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About me and my work ...

I was born and brought up in Somerset, close to the North Somerset levels. It was on early-morning walks, from a young age, that I developed my interest in wildlife. After 30 years in education, IT and media, I left the corporate world to focus on photography, art, sound recording, and design work. I now live in North Wales, and take much of my inspiration from the local landscape.


My photography interests revolve around creating images of landscapes, flora, wildlife, and travel locations as well as experimenting with alternative and vintage photographic processes, such as cyanotype and lumen printing. I create both colour and monochrome images - the latter using both visible and infrared light.


As well as occasionally painting (mostly with acrylics) I enjoy creating generative (digital) art using fractal and procedural techniques. Recently, this has developed into creating three-dimensional art and jewellery, which is cut using a laser cutter. 


My main tools are Processing and Chaotica, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.


Examples of my photography and artwork can be found in the galleries. 

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